Integration Guide



Partner - a company or platform that utilizes the crypto settlement API to manage cryptocurrency transactions. Partners integrate with Paybis to enable cryptocurrency functionalities within their systems, allowing to offer crypto-related services to their clients - Merchants.

Merchant - a business entity that operates with Partner, utilizing the Partner's services to handle cryptocurrency transactions. Merchants are responsible for initiating crypto payments to end-users (Users) via the infrastructure provided by the Partner.

User - the end recipient of cryptocurrency payouts. Users interact with Merchants’ platforms to receive crypto payments. They are the final beneficiaries in the cryptocurrency transaction process managed by the Partner and Merchant.

General Information

Business Process Flow

Use Case Description

  1. OptionalPartner validates the wallet address with Paybis API - Crypto Address Screening API.
  2. Recommended to avoid payout interruption.
  3. Partner gets a quote from Paybis - Quote API.
  4. Partner sends the payout request to Paybis - Execute API.
  5. Paybis accepts the requests and processes the crypto payout to the requested crypto address.
  6. Once the payout has been executed, Paybis notifies Partner of the status of the payout - Transaction Data Webhook.
  7. Settlements from Partner to Paybis should be covered by legal agreement.



Paybis provides a sandbox environment for partners to use for testing the APIs quickly and easily. The Sandbox environment includes a few differences from the production one making it suitable for testing.

  • Please use the sandbox API key, which will be provided during onboarding.
  • Sandbox API URL will be provided during onboarding.
  • IP whitelisting is not enforced in Sandbox, contrary to production.
  • Crypto payouts are done using Testnet blockchain networks.


  • Please use the production API key, which will be provided during onboarding.
  • Production API URL will be provided during onboarding.
  • IP whitelisting will be enforced in Production, shared with Paybis, and enforced before going live.

API Specification

Paybis provides REST API endpoints that accept JSON as a request body and respond with JSON as output.

  • API_BASE_URL: will be provided during onboarding
  • PARTNER_WEBHOOK_URL: configurable per Partner


Strings length

Default length of string properties is 255 characters (if other is not specified).


Each request to Paybis API must include an API key in the Authorization HTTP header.

API key will be assigned and provided to the Partner during onboarding.

Signing requests

All requests to the server should be signed with the private RSA key using theRSASSA_PSS_SHA_512signing algorithm. Paybis uses the public key to verify the signature and authenticity of your request.

Keys are generated by the partner, and the public key is provided to Paybis integration manager.


If the private key was lost or compromised, you need to notify the integration team immediately: the related public key stored on the Paybis end should be revoked and the new key pair should be generated.

Generating RSA keys

If you prefer to generate the key pair on your end, you can use the following commands:

  1. Generate a private 4096-bit RSA key.
openssl genrsa -out private.key 4096
  1. Create a public key from the private key.
openssl rsa -in private.key -outform PEM -pubout -out
  1. Provide the public.pubkey to the Paybis integration manager.

Signing HTTP Requests

A signature should be generated from the private 4096-bit RSA key and HTTP request body hash using theRSASSA_PSS_SHA_512asymmetric signing algorithm. After that, the signature is encoded with Base64.

Signature = Base64(RSASSA_PSS_SHA_512(PRIVATE_KEY, SHA512(requestBody)))

A signature should be passed in theX-Request-SignatureHTTP header.

If the request signature validation fails, a 403 HTTP error code is returned.

Crypto Address Screening API

This optional endpoint allows the Partner to verify that the End-user’s entered crypto address is not problematic policy-wise. If Paybis rejects the address, the End-user will have to enter a different crypto address.

Request direction

Partner β†’ Paybis


POST <API_BASE_URL>/v1/user-screening

crypto_currencyREQUIRED stringCrypto asset code (i.e. BTC, ETH).
wallet_addressREQUIRED stringCrypto asset wallet address for the payout.
  "crypto_currency": "BTC”,
  "wallet_address": β€œ13BgLTnJ9wfVgQePm9crVBfaxnTbPCqj61”


is_approvedbooleanTrue if the address passed screening, False if not.
reasonstringThe reason for addressing screening failure. Returned if only is_approved is False.
Status-Code: 200 OK
  "is_approved": false,
  "reason": "User's wallet address is invalid"

Quote API

Provides the possibility to create a quote based on either fiat or crypto amount.

Request direction

Partner β†’ Paybis


POST <API_BASE_URL>/v1/quote

quote_idREQUIRED uuidPartner-generated identifier of a specific quote in UUID format.
crypto_currencyREQUIRED stringCrypto asset code.
fiat_currencyREQUIRED stringFiat currency code.
requested_currencyREQUIRED stringBase crypto or fiat currency for quote calculation, see request examples.
requested_amountREQUIRED stringRequested amount with precision 2 for fiat and 8 for crypto.

Paybis will provide a list of enabled crypto and fiat currency pairs configured per specific partner.

  "quote_id": "383b15d9-611f-4452-a973-00790ebc7835",
  "crypto_currency": "BTC",
  "fiat_currency": "USD",
  "requested_currency": "BTC",
  "requested_amount": "0.123456"
  "quote_id": "fee931bb-de84-448a-bf19-4d38f819925a",
  "crypto_currency": "BTC",
  "fiat_currency": "USD",
  "requested_currency": "USD",
  "requested_amount": "123.45"


quote_iduuidIdentifies a specific quote.
timedatetimeQuote creation timestamp.
expirationdatetimeQuote expiration timestamp.
digital_money.currencystringDigital currency code.
digital_money.amountstringDigital currency amount.
fiat_money.currencystringFiat currency code.
fiat_money.amountstringFiat currency amount.
Status-Code: 201 Created
  "status": "ok",
  "result": {
    "quote_id": "383b15d9-611f-4452-a973-00790ebc7835",
    "digital_money": {
      "currency": "BTC",
      "amount": "1.03"
    "fiat_money": {
      "currency": "USD",
      "amount": "5304.29"
    "time": "2023-09-16T11:10:00"
    "expiration": "2023-09-16T11:20:00"

Execute API Endpoint

There is an option to pass the crypto payout request to Paybis by using API endpoint. Care must be taken to handle error responses and retry the request until a successful response from Paybis is received.

Request direction

Partner β†’ Paybis


POST <API_BASE_URL>/v1/event

event_idREQUIRED uuidUnique event identifier in UUID format.
Paybis will use this ID as an idempotency key.
nameREQUIRED stringEvent name.
Must be constantpayment_execute.
timestampREQUIRED datetimeRequest timestamp.
paymentREQUIRED object
payment.transactionREQUIRED objectTransaction details.
payment.transaction.idREQUIRED uuidPayment transaction identifier generated by Partner, i.e. specific payout id
payment.transaction.order_idREQUIRED uuidOrder identifier generated by Partner, i.e. mass payout id
payment.transaction.quote_idREQUIRED uuidReferenced quote id.
Must be a valid and not expired quote.
payment.transaction.fiatREQUIRED object stringFiat currency of the transaction.
Must match the quote fiat currency. stringFiat amount of the transaction.
Must match the quoted fiat amount.
payment.transaction.cryptoREQUIRED object
payment.transaction.crypto.currencyREQUIRED stringCryptocurrency of the transaction.
Must match the quote cryptocurrency.
payment.transaction.crypto.amountREQUIRED stringCrypto amount of the transaction.
Must match the quote crypto amount.
payment.transaction.merchantREQUIRED stringCrypto transaction sender.
Must be a string up to 16 characters in length.
payment.crypto_destination.typeREQUIRED stringDestination crypto address type.
Must be constantuser.
payment.crypto_destination.crypto_addressREQUIRED stringDestination crypto wallet address.
payment.crypto_destination.userREQUIRED objectCrypto transaction beneficiary details.
payment.crypto_destination.user.user_idREQUIRED stringReceiver name.
Must be an alphanumeric string w/o spaces. Max length: 70 characters.
  "event_id": "0000079f-6981-4cd7-bf7b-88c5699eebb5",
  "name": "payment_execute",
  "payment": {
    "transaction": {
      "id": "26e312b9-2206-1005-227e-f95808946cd3",
      "order_id": "7e67bcad-36b9-757e-eddf-96c904228cb9",
      "quote_id": "32b5d20c-e281-41e4-9035-1263ed8eeb04",
      "fiat": {
        "amount": "13853.96",
        "currency": "USD"
      "crypto": {
        "amount": "0.31488388",
        "currency": "BTC"
      "merchant": "sender-name"
    "crypto_destination": {
      "type": "user",
      "crypto_address": "1CoYiGR7S7CiWn75bTYpFMTr6n5SxX8zZz",
      "user": {
        "user_id": "receiver-name"
  "timestamp": "2023-09-16T18:07:55.769Z"


    "status": "ok",
    "result": {
        "event_id": "87e2d429-529b-4542-b366-704d1e591750",
        "name": "payment_execute",
        "payment": {
            "transaction": {
                "id": "6f0f0b4d-de82-428b-a298-a4a06392f175",
                "order_id": "7b3e9d21-54a3-403a-bc06-00627df2976f",
                "quote_id": "850c535d-5d58-4b6f-86ee-c0614c86ff45",
                "fiat": {
                    "amount": "7.10",
                    "currency": "USD"
                "crypto": {
                    "amount": "7.000000",
                    "currency": "USDT-TRC20"
                "merchant": "advertiser-name"
            "crypto_destination": {
                "type": "user",
                "crypto_address": "TXJApRfPs1BbwDdYGT9AVQkZg8UeFuwgoy",
                "user": {
                    "user_id": "getrid-oldauth"
        "timestamp": "2023-09-16T18:07:55+00:00"

Transaction Data Webhook

Webhook on the successfully executed event, after the crypto transaction is submitted to the blockchain.

Request direction

Paybis β†’ Partner



event_idREQUIRED uuidEvent id.
transaction_idREQUIRED uuidTransaction id.
Paybis will return value from from the corresponding Event.
digital_amount_sentREQUIRED object
digital_amount_sent.currencyREQUIRED stringCryptocurrency is sent to the crypto address.
digital_amount_sent.amountREQUIRED stringCrypto amount sent to the crypto address.
blockchain_txn_hashOPTIONAL stringThe blockchain transaction hash.
  "event_id": "0000079f-6981-4cd7-bf7b-88c5699eebb5",
  "transaction_id": "26e312b9-2206-1005-227e-f95808946cd3",
  "digital_amount_sent": {
    "currency": "BTC",
    "amount": "0.699999"
  "blockchain_txn_hash": "492e43fa04ec86d7d4bc7deb38e4956312e78eb68d97824e73660a52283344ab"


A successful HTTP response is expected (2xx code).

If Paybis receives any other status code in the response, the webhook request will be retried for up to 24 hours with exponential backoff.