Reusable KYC

Paybis allows to avoid repeated KYC for your verified customers:

  • On per-transaction basis (without data sharing)
  • On per-user basis (with applicant data sharing).

If a KYC provider other than Sumsub is in use, Trusted KYC provides an option to bypass KYC verification on Paybis for the users that have already been verified on a per-transaction basis. Please note that this feature is not automatically enabled; it is accessible to specific partners who have undergone additional compliance review and signed a separate addendum to the main agreement.

For those using Sumsub as a KYC provider, the recommended approach is to integrate Shared KYC, allowing seamless data sharing between the partner and Paybis via Sumsub.

Shared KYC

The Shared KYC feature of the Paybis API enables your users to avoid repeated identity verification. This is achieved by exchanging the SumSub KYC data between your application and Paybis.

To do this your application will need to do the following:

  • Receive confirmation from your Paybis integration manager that the Shared KYC model will be supported in your use case. This is done during the onboarding process.
  • Generate a shared access token via SumSub.
  • Send the shared access token to Paybis during your application's interaction with the Paybis backend.

Getting a Shared Access Token

Follow the SumSub instructions to generate the shared access token as explained here. Pass the following values in the forClientId field:

  • paybis_test- for sandbox testing;
  • paybis- on production environment.


Pay attention on the token expiration time ttlInSecs - set it with enough time period, so that it's not expired at the point of the Request call.

Token Provisioning to Paybis

The token obtained from SumSub needs to be sent to Paybis in the Request call. It will trigger the KYC data importing from SumSub.


  • Note that it’s expected that a shared access token will only be generated for fully verified users. It means that the user's verification is completed and the GREEN result is received from SumSub. Otherwise, the user will be required to pass the verification within the Paybis widget flow.
  • Make sure to collect the Social Security Number (SSN) during the verification process for US customers. If the SSN is absent in the applicant profile imported via the shared token, the user will be prompted to complete verification within the Paybis widget flow.

Retrieving Shared Access Token from Paybis

If the user completes SumSub verification in Paybis widget, shared access token can be requested from Paybis by calling the SumSub Shared Token endpoint. The provided token allows to import applicant KYC data from SumSub to the partner's system.


Note that you can get updates on the users' verification status changes by implementing the corresponding webhook.

Trusted KYC

The Trusted KYC feature allows our partners to run the widget bypassing the customer verification when such customers are already verified with the partner. This feature will skip the KYC step altogether without the need to share client’s verification data at the time of transaction.



This feature is only available to certain partners who have gone through additional compliance review and signed a separate addendum to the main agreement. To request this feature, speak to your account manager.

Trusted KYC flow

  1. Check that the user is verified in your system.
  2. Call the POST /request endpoint with the trustedKyc flag set to true.
  3. Start the widget with the retrieved requestId.
  4. User can complete their journey in widget bypassing KYC verification regardless of the transaction amount.

Please ensure that the trustedKyc flag is included in each request. Adding it once does not impact the user's verification status in the Paybis system.

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