

Webhook URL settings

The target URL to which HTTP POST requests will be sent needs to be provided to your integration manager, and confirmation should be received that it has been added to the partner settings on Paybis end.

Available webhooks

Successfully executed event

Webhook on the successfully executed event, after the crypto transaction is submitted to the blockchain.


event_idREQUIRED uuidEvent id.
transaction_idREQUIRED uuidTransaction id.
Paybis will return value from from the corresponding Event.
digital_amount_sentREQUIRED object
digital_amount_sent.currencyREQUIRED stringCryptocurrency is sent to the crypto address.
digital_amount_sent.amountREQUIRED stringCrypto amount sent to the crypto address.
blockchain_txn_hashOPTIONAL stringThe blockchain transaction hash.
  "event_id": "0000079f-6981-4cd7-bf7b-88c5699eebb5",
  "transaction_id": "26e312b9-2206-1005-227e-f95808946cd3",
  "digital_amount_sent": {
    "currency": "BTC",
    "amount": "0.699999"
  "blockchain_txn_hash": "492e43fa04ec86d7d4bc7deb38e4956312e78eb68d97824e73660a52283344ab"

Unsuccessfully executed event

Webhook on the unsuccessfully executed event, after the crypto transaction is submitted to the blockchain.


event_idREQUIRED uuidEvent id.
event_typeREQUIRED objectType of the event. For transaction payout error it should be TransactionCryptoPayoutError.
transaction_idREQUIRED uuidTransaction id.
Paybis will return value from from the corresponding Event.
event_typeREQUIRED objectTransactionCryptoPayoutError
invoiceREQUIRED objectInvoice details associated with the transaction.
amount_sent.amountREQUIRED objectCryptocurrency amount is sent to the crypto address.
amount_sent.currencyREQUIRED objectCryptocurrency currency is sent to the crypto address.
statusREQUIRED objectStatus of the transaction - Rejected for the error case.
reasonREQUIRED objectReason of the rejection.
  "event_id": "4e882fc8-07d1-4759-bbc5-4c0d8029109d",
  "event_type": "TransactionCryptoPayoutError",
  "transaction_id": "785bae8a-759d-4eb3-b1c1-307f221018f1",
  "invoice": "PBQA240628300573TX2",
  "status": "Rejected",
  "amount_sent": {
    "amount": "1000",
    "currency": "BTC-TESTNET"
  "reason": "some reason test 28.06",
  "timestamp": 1719293227


A successful HTTP response is expected (2xx code).