Currently, testnet
crypto payouts are allowed for the following cryptocurrencies:
Currency name | Asset ID | Blockchain |
Stellar (Testnet) | XLM-TESTNET | stellar |
Bitcoin (Testnet) | BTC-TESTNET | bitcoin |
Ethereum Sepolia | ETH-SEPOLIA | ethereum |
Binance Smart Chain (Testnet) | BNBSC-TESTNET | binance-smart-chain |
Litecoin (Testnet) | LTC-TESTNET | litecoin |
We strongly recommend to
- use XLM for testing payouts.
- test crypto payouts for small amounts (i.e. <10 USD).
Testnet coins are challenging to obtain, so a return of the received testnet coins from Paybis is also greatly appreciated.
Note that you will need to provide a
addresses will fail validation on sandbox for these cryptocurrencies.
For your convenience, we have created a shortcut to trigger approved or rejected payouts. To do so, use one of the addresses listed below to trigger a specific scenario.
Payout flow | Bitcoin wallet address |
Approved (main) | 2NAGTNJJ2XyaZUmGLmgvjWsrDjCpNAFzMT2 |
Approved (alternative) | tb1q0kz2yrcf6c8jszsvvqrumf23ysesht0mzpanjv |
Rejected | 123d6BZUmkQg2iWywcSbx8MqXCk3RNpEM9 |