Standalone Mode - Installation Guide


This guide explains how to integrate the Paybis Ramps into your platform using Standalone Mode. This method allows you to embed the Paybis Ramps directly onto your page with minimal coding.


  • Obtain your Partner UUID from your Paybis integration manager.
  • Generate a security signature. See the guide on Generating HMAC Signatures for detailed instructions.


To integrate the widget in Standalone Mode, you need to:

  • Embed the Widget JS SDK script on your page.
  • Obtain your Partner UUID and generate the required security signature.
  • Use the method with the necessary parameters to launch the widget.

Integration Guide

  1. Embed the Widget JS SDK.

Embed the Widget JS SDK script in your webpage by adding the following code. This will load the widget on your page:

  !function() {
    if (window.PartnerExchangeWidget = window.PartnerExchangeWidget || { open(e) { window.partnerWidgetSettings = { immediateOpen: e } } }, 
        "PartnerExchangeWidget" !== {
      (() => {
        const e = document.createElement("script");
        e.type = "text/javascript";
        e.defer = true;
        e.src = ""; // For Sandbox
        const t = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
        t.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t);
  !function() {
    if (window.PartnerExchangeWidget = window.PartnerExchangeWidget || { open(e) { window.partnerWidgetSettings = { immediateOpen: e } } }, 
        "PartnerExchangeWidget" !== {
      (() => {
        const e = document.createElement("script");
        e.type = "text/javascript";
        e.defer = true;
        e.src = ""; // For Production
        const t = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
        t.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t);
  1. Generate Signature and Open the Widget.

Once the SDK is embedded, generate the signature and call the method with the partnerId and signature parameters:

<!-- Ensure the PartnerExchangeWidget script is loaded before this script block. -->
    partnerId: '<your partner UUID>',
    signature: '<generated signature>',


Note: Partner UUID will be provided to you during the onboarding process. You will also need to generate the signature as part of the security process. For details on how to generate the signature, please refer to the documentation here.


Here are some complete integration examples to help you get started.

<!-- Ensure the PartnerExchangeWidget script is loaded before this script block. -->
    partnerId: '<your partner UUID>',
    signature: '<generated signature>',
<!-- Ensure the PartnerExchangeWidget script is loaded before this script block. -->
    partnerId: '<your partner UUID>',
    signature: '<generated signature>',
    cryptoAddress: '<crypto wallet address>',
    currencyCodeFrom: 'USD',
    currencyCodeTo: 'BTC',
    amountFrom: '10',

Supported Parameters

The open method accepts additional parameters, which allows to pre-fill specific parts of user's flow. For example:

  • To start the widget with the user's crypto wallet, pass the cryptoAddress, currencyCodeFrom, currencyCodeTo.
  • to start the widget with the quote, pass the currencyCodeFrom, currencyCodeTo, amountFrom or amountTo.
  • to define the transaction flow (buy or sell), use the transactionFlow parameter.
partnerUserIdmandatoryAllows to pass an identifier of the customer in the partner's system. partnerUserId is then returned in webhook notifications associated with a certain user.
signaturemandatoryThe security signature for the URL request. A valid signature generated using the query parameters and secret key.
cryptoAddressoptionalUser's crypto wallet address. The wallet entry screen is pre-filled if the parameter is passed. The user can confirm or change the wallet address.Must be a valid crypto wallet address.
currencyCodeFromoptionalFiat currency code for Buy crypto transactions. Cryptocurrency code for Sell crypto transactions.Must be a valid fiat or cryptocurrency code (depending on the transaction flow: buy/sell). Use the GET Currency Pairs Buy Crypto or GET Currency Pairs Sell Crypto endpoint to retrieve the list of supported currency codes.
currencyCodeTooptionalCryptocurrency code for Buy crypto transactions. Fiat currency code for Sell crypto transactions.Must be a valid fiat or cryptocurrency code (depending on the transaction flow: buy/sell). Use the GET Currency Pairs Buy Crypto or GET Currency Pairs Sell Crypto endpoint to retrieve the list of supported currency codes.
amountFromoptionalAmount in fiat that the user is going to spend for Buy crypto purchase order.

Crypto amount that the user is going to withdraw in Sell crypto flow.
Handled first. When exists and is validated - a quote is created.
amountTooptionalCrypto amount paid out to the user’s crypto wallet in Buy crypto flow.

Fiat amount paid out to the user’s fiat account (e.g. credit card) in Sell crypto flow.
Same as amountFrom but handled second.
transactionFlowoptionalDefines the transaction flow type: buy or sell crypto. Possible values: buyCrypto (by default), sellCrypto.
localeoptionalDefines the preferable UI language schema.Possible values: English en (by default), German de, Russian ru, Italian it, French fr, Spanish es, Portuguese pt, Korean ko
successReturnURLoptionalAllows to set the URL to which a user is redirected after completing a transaction in the widget.If the successReturnURL is specified, the Back to merchant button is displayed on the Transaction completed final screen in the widget. On clicking on the button, the user is redirected to this URL in the same browser tab.
It should be encoded.
failureReturnURLoptionalAllows to set the URL to which a user is redirected after getting a transaction rejected in the widget. If the failureReturnURLs specified, the Back to merchant button is displayed on the Transaction rejected/canceled final screen in the widget. On clicking on the button, the user is redirected to this URL in the same browser tab.
Should be encoded.
canCloseoptionalAllows to hide the Close widget icon on UI. Set to false to hide the Close icon.
Is used as a condition for displaying the close widget button.

1. Widget is opened in an iframe: - canClose is not passed. result: close button is visible- canClose is passed with value true. result: close button is visible
-canClose is passed with value false. result: close button is not visible2. Widget is opened in same tab with redirect OR new tab: - canClose is not passed. result: close button is not visible- canClose is passed with value true. result: close button is visible- canClose is passed with value false. result: close button is not visible
layoutoptionalThe parameter that provides a “light“ widget layout, works if the “light” value is passed.The default value is default
Possible values - light or default

Transaction Flow Sensitivity

The transactionFlow parameter influences which currency codes are mandatory:

Transaction FlowcurrencyCodeTocurrencyCodeFrom
buyCrypto or not specifiedCryptocurrency (BTC will be shown by default)Optional
This allows Paybis to automatically determine the user's fiat currency based on their geoIP.
This allows Paybis to automatically determine the user's fiat currency based on their geoIP.
Cryptocurrency (BTC will be shown by default)

Key Points:

  • transactionFlow: Indicates whether the user is buying or selling cryptocurrency.
  • currencyCodeTo: The code for the cryptocurrency being bought (buyCrypto) or the fiat currency being received (sellCrypto).
  • currencyCodeFrom: The code for the fiat currency being used to buy crypto (buyCrypto) or the cryptocurrency being sold (sellCrypto).

Default Behavior:

If transactionFlow is not specified, it defaults to buyCrypto, making currencyCodeTo mandatory and currencyCodeFrom optional.